Fuel accessibility is critically important for flight planning. Maps below depict airports and airfields where Jet A-1 and Avgas 100LL are readily available or may be arranged upon request.
Fuel at each airport is indicated by coloured pins that refer to airport category and fuel types supplied at the airport.
Click on airport pin to see it's code, click on Expand Record to get full details of the airport - name, location, fuel types, runway length and surface.
Choose from Light, Map or Satellite view to see big picture or specific location details.
Select View larger version in the lower right map corner to switch to a full screen map with detailed information. It is a handy tool for planning your flight to many countries, including those in Europe, USA and Japan
Avgas 100LL Availability Map
Airports and airfields where Avgas 100LL may be uplifted
To see a list of airports with Avgas 100LL please click here
Jet A-1 Supply Network Map
Airports and airfields where Jet A-1 may be uplifted
To see a list of airports with Jet A-1 fuel please click here
Avgas 100LL And Jet A-1 Map
Airports and airfields supplying either Avgas or Jet fuel.
Avgas pins are colored while grey markers depict airports with Jet fuel only
Click on the airport pin for further details
Click here to see a list of airports with both Avgas 100LL and Jet A-1 fuel
Map Legend

Airport Of Entry
Avgas 100LL Available
International airport (first or last landing), Avgas 100LL is always available

National airport
Avgas 100LL Available
National airport or airfield, Avgas 100LL is always available. Can not be used for first/last landing on international flights

Airport Of Entry
Avgas 100LL On Request
International airport (first or last landing), Avgas 100LL is supplied on request, preliminary arrangements are required

National Airport
Avgas 100LL On Request
National airport or airfield, Avgas 100LL is supplied on request, preliminary arrangements with prior notice are required. Can not be used for first/last landing on international flights

Airport Of Entry
Jet A-1 Available
International airport (first or last landing), Jet A-1 is always available

National airport
Jet A-1 Available
National airport or airfield, Jet A-1 is always available. Can not be used for first/last landing on international flights

National Airport
Jet A-1 On Request
National airport or airfield, Jet A-1 is supplied on request, preliminary arrangements with prior notice are required. Can not be used for first/last landing on international flights
Maps are updated regularly, information is added or modified according to up-to-date market situation. Stay tuned and contact us to make your Avgas or Jet fuel arrangements.
We are constantly working to deliver easy to read and clear fuel information. Should you encounter any problem opening the maps above, please contact us by pressing the button below